What to expect
  • Our services usually last about an hour
  • Our sermons are grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strive to challenge us to answer our unique call to serve God in the world.
  • The Episcopal Church welcomes all baptized Christians, regardless of denominational background, to receive Holy Communion.
  • Our 8 AM service is spoken word our 10:30 AM service includes organ, choir, and congregational singing
  • We believe that families should worship together. All ages are welcome during our services. Kids don't need a simplified service. You'll be amazed how much they'll learn about our faith and traditions. We do have nursery for all Sunday services (we know you tired parents need a break to ground yourselves!).
  • Dress how you like. Many of our members don their Sunday best (ties & dresses) but bluejeans are just as welcome.
  • Our Music at Grace Church is traditional. We have one of the finest pipe organs in the state and a fantastic organist.
  • We Have Sunday School at 9:30 AM for Adults and Children
  • Join us for breakfast every Sunday at 9 AM - Best Bacon and Coffee in town!
  • If you'd like a member of Grace Church to meet you on the morning of your visit please send us an email office@gracechurchcamden.org